10 Great Gifts for the Introvert in Your Life

Whether it’s a graduation gift, a birthday gift, or a present for a special occasion such as Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, sometimes it’s hard to find the best gifts for the introvert in your life.

But one way to show your introverted friend or family member that you care for them is by getting him or her the kind of gift that says, “I know who you are” and “I respect you and your personality type.”

Just like there are ways to never celebrate an introvert’s (or HSP’s) birthday, there are things that you would probably not want to get for an introvert as a present. A sad example is what happened to an introverted friend of mine.

She texted me the crying emoji the day after her birthday, telling me that she didn’t know how to respond when her spouse gave her lingerie as a gift. “How does he not know by now that I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin?” she asked me. “This was a gift for him, not me.”

The sad thing is, her extroverted husband probably had no idea that he hurt his wife’s feelings, and was likely confused that she never wore “her birthday gift” (or should I say, “his birthday gift”?).

These suggested gifts for the introvert in your life will hit the mark and let your introvert friend know that you know, respect, and love them (which is what we all really want, right?).

10 Gifts for the Introvert in Your Life

1. A Book by a Favorite Author

gifts for the introvert - girl reading book outdoors
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Does the introvert in your life have a favorite author?

Now I know that not every introvert is a reader. “Introvert” does not have to be synonymous with “bookworm” but it’s probably a good bet that books would be great gifts for introverts.

And if your introvert is a book fan, he probably has one (or several) favorite authors, and it wouldn’t take much to find out who those favorite authors are.

(Hint: Just ask.)

They might be working on collecting all the books by those authors. If you just say, “Oh hey, do you read much sci-fi?” Or “Are you more into fiction or nonfiction?” Seriously a simple question like that will help you easily discover two things:

  • Whether or not the introvert in your life is a reader
  • What kind of books they enjoy

From there, it should be easy to discover their favorite authors or series.

Then you can ask if they’ve read a certain book by said favorite author; they might volunteer that they’ve read that book but they don’t own it. Or they might say yeah, they have that book on their shelf but the book they really want is fill-in-the-blanks. And voila, you’ll know which books they have or don’t have.

I have a friend who, every Christmas, got her spouse one more book by a favorite author so that after several years, he had collected an entire shelf of one of his favorite authors.

Related gift:

Another idea (and this is from a book lover) is a first edition. Maybe your introvert friend has a few authors they like who wrote some time ago. Finding a first edition of one of those books might be more pricey but it would definitely be a meaningful and treasured gift.

If it’s an author who is still writing, see if there’s any way you can get a signed copy of one of their books.

2. Noise-Canceling headphones

No, not every introvert is a highly sensitive person or is prone to audio sensitivity, but even if not, introverts do appreciate their times of peace and quiet.

Noise-canceling headphones are the ideal gift for an introvert because they can tune into what’s on their phone (or what’s on their TV or what’s on their computer) without having to tune out everything that’s going on around them.

Just a hint from a fellow introvert, I often wear noise-canceling earbuds around the house to muffle loud sounds, when I’m not even listening to anything. They’re less obvious than the headphones, and are less likely to give me a tension headache (which I sometimes get from wearing headphones for a long period of time).

woman wearing noise-canceling headphones
Photo by Ahmed u30c4 on Pexels.com

3. Subscription, Masterclass

When the pandemic hit, a close friend gave me a year-long subscription to Masterclass. It was one of the most thoughtful gifts I’d ever received, and it was the perfect time, too. I had the opportunity to watch videos about writing (I loved the videos by Malcolm Gladwell) and also watched a variety of interesting videos with my kids on some of their subjects of interest.

If you have a close friend or family member who’s introverted, a subscription to Masterclass might be the perfect gift.

4. Online Lessons for a Subject of Interest

There are also plenty of non-Masterclass ways to learn all kinds of things, and which don’t require a subscription. For instance, there are some contemporary authors whose website offers video lessons or even one-on-one training. The same for photography, design, make-up, and more!

(This might require doing a bit of homework to find out which ones are reputable; these days, lots of online lessons can be found advertising ways to make money fast in writing, art, digital marketing, and you name it. … In most cases, the only people getting rich quick are the ones offering the overpriced training.)

5. Hobby Supplies

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Anything to go along with the hobbies that your introverted friend is into would make great gifts for introverts. Maybe the introvert in your life is artistic.

Of course, there is a variety of forms of art …

Are they into painting? Sketching? Do they do the hobby themselves or do they just like to collect works of art or original vinyl records of music?

For instance, if your friend is a sketcher, you can get them a quality set of art pencils.

If they’re into painting, some blank paint canvases could always come in handy.

Perhaps they are really into a certain era of art such as impressionistic art or art from a certain century. Of course, you likely can’t get an original Degas, but you could probably get something that’s a replica or even a book about a favorite artist or painter.

6. Gift Card to a Favorite Hobby Store

And if they do the art themselves, a gift card to a hobby store would be an awesome gift for an introvert (or even a gift card to Amazon where they can pick up what they want).

A friend of mine gave my introverted son a gift card for Joanne’s, and he had never gone there before. Since then, it’s become his favorite store, and he’s picked up a lot of ideas.

And so have I, as I’m the one who usually takes him!

A gift card to a store like Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, or Joanne’s is a terrific way to help your introvert friend or family member to discover new hobbies. Maybe you could even plan a shopping trip there, together! (Just be ready to stay a long while!)

Related gift:

If your introverted friend is more into exercise or sports, a better option would be a gift card to a sporting goods store (or a gym membership).

7. Gourmet Tea or Coffee

tea with soft background
Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

Is your introverted friend a tea drinker? Or a coffee lover?

Gourmet teas (or coffees) are great gifts for the introverts in your life because it’s likely something they won’t buy to treat themselves, but it’s something they’ll truly appreciate!

For someone who enjoys trying out different kinds of teas, how about a collection of loose leaf tea samplers or a tea therapy infusion gift set?

Other cute options for tea lovers are vintage teapots (look on eBay) or creative tea steepers/infusers.

If the introvert you know prefers coffee, a gift card to their favorite coffee shop is always a great option, but you could always try giving them something more unique, like this Around the World in 12 Coffees sampler collection, or an indulgent coffee gift box.

If the coffee drinker enjoys playing around with flavors, coffee syrups might be a fun gift option.

8. Gourmet Chocolate

While we’re talking about gourmet …

I know no introvert who does not enjoy chocolate (usually, dark chocolate).

You could offer a gift certificate to See’s Candies or take them out to a local gourmet chocolate store and let them pick out a personalized box of chocolates.

Lindt is also a favorite type of chocolate. Or you could look for gourmet chocolate from another country, such as French Chocolate or Swiss Chocolate.

9. A Special Candle

Introverts (especially if they are also HSPs) are often sensitive to various aromas. This is why candles can make great gifts for the introvert in your life.

As far as what kind of scent you should get, a lavender candle is a trusted favorite, or a lavender combo (like lavender and thyme or lavender and oak).

Usually, scents that are too strong or too sweet won’t be as appreciated, but the more natural scents are often a good option.

10. Diffuser and Scented Oils

On the same vein, getting your introverted friend an aromatherapy diffuser (if he or she doesn’t already have one) would be a thoughtful present.

If they already have a diffuser, you could opt for gifting them a set of diffuser essential oils.

Related gift:

An aromatherapy lotion could also be a great option, like this lavender and vanilla lotion that promotes relaxation and sleep.

Closing Thoughts

Life is busy, and there have been many times when a dear friend or family member’s birthday has flown past and all I end up giving them is a belated card.

It’s terrible, but true.

We get busy and we forget things, even when it comes to people we love and deeply respect or admire.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. By slowing down and being more mindful, we’re more likely to remember things like upcoming birthdays or special days. By setting aside a bit of time to choose (and prepare/order/shop for) the perfect gift, that’s how we show our friends that we truly care about them.

I hope these suggestions of gifts for the introvert in your life are helpful next time you’re wracking your brain trying to think of the best gift for your loved ones.

gift being wrapped
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