Overwhelmed? Screen Your Surroundings

By Ilse Sand

from Highly Sensitive People in an Insensitive World

Introverts deliver their best work results when there is peace and quiet surrounding them. It can be very unpleasant to be in surroundings in which more is going on than you can handle.

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

It is important for everyone to know the level of stimulation that provides them with the greatest well-being. For introverts and sensitive people, the optimal level is typically considerably lower than it is for extroverts.

It is not a matter of avoiding stimulation but of finding the level that is optimal for you.

Many introverts or highly sensitive people like to have their phones set on silent. They can check it later when they need a break away from whatever they are occupied with. Then they can write an email or text back to ask what it is about before they decide whether to return the call.

Earplugs, earbuds, and dark sunglasses can help protect you. If you work in an open office, it may be possible to put up screens.

It can be different difficult to reject social contact without feeling impolite. Many sensitive people and introverts accept much more social contact in the workplace and privately than they care for.

Sometimes it is not possible to screen yourself sufficiently. Time and again, introverts are highly sensitive people find that they become so stressed from too many activities or impressions that it can be a long time before they feel like they are themselves again.